Posts Tagged "productivity"

Earlier this year we introduced Inbox Pause schedules, which automate the days and times when email gets delivered and allow you to focus without interruption. Today, we’re releasing an update that will give you even more control and flexibility while an Inbox Pause schedule is active. Starting today, you can temporarily override your Inbox Pause schedule when you’re waiting for an important email or plans change without turning...

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Introducing Bookable Schedule. With the advent of working from home and hybrid remote/office working, the need to be efficient with our time has gotten more pronounced, not less. Whether it’s in-person, a Zoom call, or a virtual meeting across time zones, the number of meetings we need to attend has increased dramatically. While not every meeting could be a single email, it shouldn’t take more than a single email to schedule...

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Rick Lewis, Principal Software Engineer at ASTL Systems, talks NASA-sponsored computer labs, the dot com boom, and how Boomerang has evolved email. “I got interested in electronics when I was probably eleven or twelve years old. We were living in Sacramento and there was a guy across the street with a Corvette who would blare his music whenever he’d wash his car. There was a construction project nearby, so I went and found about a...

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