If you’re anything like me, you have a giant stack of business cards you’ve accumulated at conferences and events somewhere in your office. I have two such stacks, and I never contacted the majority of the people in them, nor do I remember anything about who they were or why (even if!) they were interesting. I’ve been working on a system to streamline handling the stack of cards for quite some time, and I finally hit one...
Read MoreUpdate: We are back up! (4/22 10:58 AM PST) We will update more info on what impact this outage has on scheduled messages very soon. Our service is was unavailable starting 4/22 morning because our hosting provider, Amazon AWS, is having widespread outage that affected many web services. The AWS outage started yesterday and they still haven’t restored their service. We weren’t impacted yesterday and thought we were safe...
Read MoreWe’re looking to find a suitable to do list application from Windows. It would be great to have something as elegant looking as Things for the Mac that syncs with the cloud, runs on Windows, and is accessible via the iPhone. Web-based is fine, but it needs to use Gears or AIR to run without a network connection. The list of requirements for a high-quality to do list for me (in rough priority) are: Runs in Windows Create a new task...
Read MoreImage via Wikipedia It’s already 11 AM, and you’re staring into the monitor with your eyes glazed over. There are still 21 messages in your inbox, and none of them are compelling. So instead, you decide to read a little bit of news and catch up on how the Red Sox did last night. Next thing you know, it’s lunchtime, and there are still 21 unread messages in your inbox. We’ve all been there, and that’s part...
Read MoreBaydin was featured in an analyst report today. Not an April Fool’s joke 🙂 The analyst firm is ZapThink, and their focus has been on enterprise SOA and cloud computing initiatives. They are now taking a deeper look at the startup ecosystem – both describing how startups can create value for enterprises and helping startups themselves figure out how to position themselves to get larger companies as customers and form...
Read MoreWhen I need to write an e-mail where I need to get the content right (or want to start a blog post), I get very worried about making it come out right the first time. I spend all the time I’m supposed to spend writing wordsmithing the first few sentences, and it takes forever to get anything done. One of the best ways I’ve found to get stuff written FAST is to close my eyes and dictate a first draft into the computer. Since I’m...
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