The reason for pursuing SOC 2 certification is simple. It’s because if there is one thing we value above all else, it is your trust. Since we first opened shop, we have conducted app security assessments and security architecture reviews in addition to a slew of other measures to make sure your data is safe. And now we are happy to share that we have enterprise-level security certification.
That’s right, today we’re a little too excited to share that Boomerang is now SOC 2 certified!!! (see what we mean about being a little too excited?). So those of you with large teams can now use all of the email and meeting scheduling features of Boomerang safe in the knowledge that we are providing certified SOC 2 level enterprise-level security.
If you have a team you want to use Boomerang or are interested in an enterprise plan, simply reach out and we will make it happen.
For enterprises, the need for rigorous data security is paramount. We greatly value the tens of thousands of awesome Boomerang advocates within enterprises, and we’re delighted to be able to make their compliance efforts a lot easier. Now that we have SOC 2 certification, any team or company that requires enterprise-level security and compliance can rest assured that our security processes and procedures are 100% enterprise-grade too.