Posts Tagged "boomerang"

Natan Edelsburg, Senior VP at Sawhorse Media, Shorty Awards Producer, and writer at Lost Remote (*gulp* all by age 25) talks AOL screen names, youthful mistakes, and how Boomerang saves him from missed email.  “My first tech memory is signing up for an AOL account in 1995, so I was eight. My mother was always very tech savvy and I vividly remember her pulling me over and saying, “We’re getting AOL so we need to come up with your...

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Baydin intern and Cal Poly CS senior Kelly Daniels talks open source technology, online shopping addictions, and how Boomerang saves her from her own laziness. “It started when I was a kid. My dad’s profession isn’t technology but it was a really huge hobby for him, so he took programming classes back in college back when he programmed on punch cards. My first memory of having a computer was when I was about seven. It was before...

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  When I think of a “customer-service-worst-case-scenario,” I think of Marie Antoinette. Legend has it that she was so out of tune with her constituents that when she heard the peasants had no bread and were starving to death, replied, “let them eat cake” (yes, this was misattributed, but go with it)… and eventually lost her head. Granted, she didn’t have the benefits of social media and email like we do, but at Baydin,...

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Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang! Before working at Baydin, I was a secondary English Language Arts and English as a Second Language teacher in Houston for two years (translation: I taught older kids how to write better and speak English better too). From that experience, I learned that teachers...

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Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang! You have two appointments to schedule: a meeting with John, a VIP at your company, and coffee with Rachel. You email John first, proposing Friday at noon plus two additional times. You eat lunch, do a little work, have a cup of coffee, and email Rachel, “Hey,...

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