Boomerang for Outlook is a suite of award-winning productivity tools and power-ups for your Inbox and calendar. Throughout the years, we’ve continued to add new ways to save time to the app. Today, it includes over a dozen features that help you get more done in less time.

We’re proud to offer so much value in just one app, and we wanted to highlight two features that can sometimes be “hidden gems” among all the other amazing functionality Boomerang offers.

How to set up a recurring email in Outlook

Recurring emails for Outlook are a simple way to automate sending the same message over and over. Recurring email can replace a reminder you’ve set for yourself and eliminates the need for you to press send manually. Once you’ve written your message, use Boomerang to schedule it to send periodically at an interval you choose. Learn more about how to set up a recurring email in Outlook by visiting Boomerang’s help pages.

How to request a read receipt in Outlook

Boomerang read receipts are a powerful, easy-to-use way to know if your recipient has opened your message. After sending your message, you can get notified by email both when a recipient opens your email and when they click on any link in the message. You’ll be able to follow-up (or not have to) knowing whether your email was read. Boomerang’s read receipts work across platforms, including on mobile devices, so your recipient doesn’t need to open your message in Outlook for you to be notified. Learn more about how to request read receipts in Outlook on our help pages.

We hope these features will become part of your workflow too!