Hello Boomerang Enthusiasts!

We’ve been working really hard over here at Baydin HQ and we have some really exciting news to share with our friends and fans. For years now, our treasured users of Boomerang for Gmail have been asking for its amazing features to be brought over to their business accounts that are on Office 365. Time and time again, we have sadly – sometimes with true tears in our eyes – had to say not yet. Well folks, the yet is here! We are thrilled to announce that we are building a version of Boomerang to work with the recently announced new versions of both Outlook.com and Office365!

In addition to the Boomerang features you know and love, we will also be adding a smart calendar assistant similar in functionality to our Boomerang Calendar extension. No longer will you need to worry about those important business emails getting lost. Never again will you forget to follow up with your important client. Gone are the days of scheduling mishaps and double bookings. Boomerang for Office365 and Outlook.com helps with these all too common problems that seem to flood work email and scheduling, and here’s how:

  • Send Later – if you’re a night owl working late, you no longer need to worry about disrupting your recipients while they’re sleeping. Schedule your messages to be delivered in the morning when you know they’ll be checking their inboxes.
  • Boomerang if-no-reply – Boomerang can bring messages back to your inbox only if you have not received a response. You’ll never have to worry about forgetting and you’ll be gently reminded when it’s time to follow up with your recipients.
  • Suggest Meeting times – all too often, there is an unnecessary back and forth that takes place when scheduling one on one meetings. With our suggest times feature, we’ve simplified the process. You’ll be able to select several times that work with your schedule and your recipient can quickly confirm with one click. And you’ll be able to do it all within email. No more toggling back and forth between calendar and email.
  • Schedule from detected times – With the help of Outlook’s natural language date detection, you’ll be able to see what an event looks like in your schedule, add it to your calendar, or even Boomerang the message, all without leaving the message!

We are very excited to be working with Microsoft as a launch partner for their Outlook.com APIs. Once available, Boomerang for Outlook will work on any account you use through Outlook.com, Office365, or Outlook 2013 and higher.

We’ll have a lot more information to share as we get closer to the launch date. For now, you can enter your email address at http://www.boomerangoutlook.com to be the first to find out when Boomerang’s ready to go!

4 Replies to “Announcing Boomerang for Outlook.com and Office365!”

  1. I love you guys. I need to chase my colleagues in other parts of the world for materials and reports. Just when I was about to send you a message through your blog about coming one for Office 365/Outlook, I saw this post. Thank you!

    I think my boss will also love this, when Boomerang for Outlook is launched. I won’t need to consistently remind him for him to reply me. :p

    I’ll be sure to moot this to my management once this is available. We’re already on Office 365. 😉

    1. Hey Sharon,

      Wanted to make sure you heard the news that Boomerang for Outlook is now available, you can get it at: boomerangoutlook.com

      Let us know what you think!


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