Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang!

Before working at Baydin, I was a secondary English Language Arts and English as a Second Language teacher in Houston for two years (translation: I taught older kids how to write better and speak English better too). From that experience, I learned that teachers are busy. Busy as in I-had-to-write-this-in-the-summer-so-they’d-have-time-to-read-it. This perpetual busyness results not just from handling kid germs, flea-like attention spans, or standardized exams, but EMAIL. In fact, many teachers spend hours outside of the school day responding to parent inquiries and scheduling conferences, taking time away from their friends, families, and hordes of cats. It’s a profession that doesn’t have the budget for a personal assistant, but could definitely use one.

Luckily, Boomerang Calendar works like a personal assistant for free, scheduling meetings and events with just one email. Below are two very different types of meeting proposals that teachers will see pop into their inboxes come August, plus smart solutions for handling them.

To: Ms. Lewis, instructor of 8th grade Language Arts.
This morning, at approximately 2:03 am, I noticed that my son received a 99 on his book review project. That grade is simply not acceptable in this household. I would like to meet with you immediately so that you can justify, in writing, the one point deduction and also assign an extra credit assignment to bring up his average. Let me know if I need to invite my lawyer.

Watching You,
Helicopter Helen

Helicopter Parents, named because they never stop…hovering. Although you probably can’t remember why you deducted that one stupid point, Boomerang Calendar can now schedule this meeting in one sweet step: Propose several meeting times via an embedded calendar image, and Helen can click a time to confirm the meeting and add it to everyone’s calendar–no additional action by you required. Because Helen’s email demands VIP status, select “mark as tentative” when you’re proposing times and they’ll be labeled as “busy” in your calendar, preventing them from being offered to a different parent or administrator. Once Helen confirms an appointment, the remaining proposed times will be automatically removed from your calendar, freeing them to be offered to the next concerned parent.

My son is failing your class and report cards are on FRIDAY!!!!! I have NO IDEA WHY!! I am just now FINDING THIS OUT!! If he fails he’ll be OFF the BASKETBALL team and his FUTURE WILL RUINED FOREVER. I need to meet with you ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dramatic David

Don’t lie, David’s heavy-handed use of the caps lock key combined with his lack of useful details about his schedule makes you want to reach for the nearest bottle of Jack Daniels. For the sake of keeping your job, reach instead for Boomerang Calendar, which allows you to share your availability over the next few days via embedded calendar image, leaving it to Dramatic David to suggest a meeting time that will work with both your schedules. And because he thrives on waiting until 11:59pm Thursday to schedule a Friday meeting, Boomerang Calendar updates your availability in real-time, preventing him from booking the appointment during a time slot you’ve given away. ‘Cause you ain’t got time for that!

So teachers, enjoy your remainder of your well-deserved summer break by using Boomerang Calendar to schedule plenty of happy hours (even if they’re just with yourself), and be sure to remember us for all of your scheduling needs come fall. For information on the logistics of using Boomerang Calendar, click here.

Your recipient doesn’t have to have Boomerang Calendar but they should get it anyways. Help us spread the word that Boomerang Calendar can be downloaded for free at boomerangcalendar.com.

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