We released some awesome new features last night (6/21) to Boomerang for Gmail. You should see the changes the next time you load Gmail. If you do not see the changes, try restarting your browser. Here are some details:
Streamlined Boomerang and Send Later Menus
The “At a specific time” window is now integrated into the menu. We hope that this will make it easier for you to specify a custom time and reduce a couple mouse clicks for you.

Track responses from the Boomerang menu — not just while sending a message.
You can now track response to any message – in your inbox, sent mail, or anywhere else – and Boomerang it only if you don’t get a response. This was one of the most popular feature requests from Boomerang customers.
Did you know there’s a Boomerang menu at the top right of the Gmail screen?
It’s now a drop down menu, including ways for you to view and manage your scheduled messages, and tell your friends about Boomerang.
Schedule messages from the standalone Compose window.
This feature was requested often by Boomerang customers. So those of you who made the request, this is for you!
You can also now specify a custom date and time to track responses to a message you are sending. Before you were limited to choose one of the default time options, now you can choose any date, time to your heart content!

Improved support for multiple accounts sign-in.
My favorite feature of this update is that Boomerang no longer requires me to select which account I want to use every time I switch between my Gmail and Google Apps email addresses. It knows which account I am in and maps the right account.
Manage Boomerang page improvements
We added links to open up individual scheduled messages in new browser windows.
June 22, 2011
Really really really wish you would add “monday” so it would send it back @ start of work week. please? it would be more useful than “random” 🙂
June 22, 2011
nice tool guys..
& if you say it’s now 75% faster, than it’e even better 🙂
June 22, 2011
June 22, 2011
This is awesome guys!!!
Boomerang keeps getting better and better..more power to ya!
Just wish you guys did a plug-in for apps besides Outlook…i.e. Thundebird & Postbox.
June 22, 2011
This looks great! I have one question and that is, now do we upgrade to this newer version or does it upgrade itself? I’m looking forward to using it. Great work fellas.
June 22, 2011
Please allow us to remove the Boomerang icons from the buttons, it’s taking useless extra space.
June 22, 2011
Great changes — thank you! Love Boomerang!
June 22, 2011
Nice updates to the menus. Your product just keeps getting better and better. The multiple account update is a big one for me. I’ve bought a subscription already, but never ‘applied’ it to one of my email addresses since you’re still in beta, but I’d love to be able to all of them somehow. I basically boucne between 3 email addresses for various purposes and would like to have Boomerang on all of them. Keep up the great work.
June 22, 2011
Hi there! I’m a very fanatic Boomerang’s user, it’s great! but, a question, it’s available as a “google labs”? because, I use many diferent computers so I need install it every time.
June 22, 2011
Do I need to do something to get the updated boomerang?
June 22, 2011
How do we get the new update? Do we need download something?
June 22, 2011
Hey guys, love Boomerang! It’s the one indispensable extension I use in Firefox. So my question is… when will it be compatible with FF 5? I’m holding off on upgrading.
June 22, 2011
Many thanks for these changes, and for your fantastic plug-in. The change I’ve been waiting for is offline support, so I can compose messages in Gmail Offline and schedule them to send later. Is this in the pipeline?
June 22, 2011
I thought it would be kind of nice that the “specific time” option is now in the main dropdown, but it doesn’t let you manually edit the time unless you reselect the date first. I always send at a specific time and usually only need to change the day or part of the hour. All I wanted to do this time was change one number so this doesn’t really save me any mouse clicks. Maybe in the next release you could make that field editable without having to reselect the date?
June 22, 2011
So how do I get the update? Is it being pushed out in intervals? I restarted Chrome, and I did not get the changes?
June 22, 2011
Exciting improvements!! I am still not seeing these on my Boomerang yet on Chrome Beta 13.0.782.24. Should I take any action? I tried reloading the Extension as well as Restarting the browser.
Regards, Ram
June 22, 2011
Do I have to update Boomerang somehow? I don’t seem to have the new features judging by the fact that the Boomerang menu in the upper right corner of gmail not a drop down. Thanks.
June 22, 2011
Are these changes still rolling out, or do we have to reinstall the extension? Mine does not have the updates.
June 22, 2011
Hi Pablo,
If you are using Chrome, uninstall it from your machines and install it from Chrome Web Store. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mdanidgdpmkimeiiojknlnekblgmpdll?hl=en-US and it will sync across all your machines using the same google profile for Chrome.
June 22, 2011
Same here – I followed Aye Moah’s instructions but I’m still seeing the old version.
June 22, 2011
@Bob Irving
It already is! Just visit http://www.boomeranggmail.com in FF5, and click the download button.
June 22, 2011
Try just restarting your browser, and the updates should appear. Failing that, you might want to clear your browser cache, which should force the update to happen. Thanks!
June 22, 2011
Offline support would be really tough for us, because we count on Gmail being in sync with what you see in your browser to work properly. We’ll continue to think about how to do it, though.
June 22, 2011
I uninstalled the previous version and installed the new one. But I don’t see anything new. My version is: 0.9.5
June 22, 2011
By the way great tool thank you for your work
June 22, 2011
Thanks for the updates. Love boomerang! Just a note though that it’s not summer in the southern hemisphere. We’re working with mid-winter and earthquakes down here in NZ! 🙂
June 22, 2011
@Kathy Ohh, yea. We just had our summer solstice. But happy winter to all you habitants of southern hemisphere. 🙂
June 22, 2011
@Aris You may have to restart your browser to see the changes in your menus.
June 23, 2011
@Aye great update! When I am replying to a thread and I click on when I want the message boomeranged back, it scrolls me up to the top of the page away from the message I’m composing.
Also- ‘boomerang’ as a verb is now part of my organization’s vernacular, not just our workflow. 🙂
June 23, 2011
Thanks, Danny. We will look into the scrolling behavior. I know it’s related to authentication that happens in the background. But we will try and find a fix for this.
Glad to know ‘Boomerang’ is now a verb for your company. 🙂
June 26, 2011
All the improvements we were waiting for and “BAM” there they are. OUTSTANDING upgrade folks.
June 28, 2011
First of all, I love Boomerang! I’m having a little difficulty since the most recent upgrade, though. When navigating through messages using the j and k keyboard shortcuts, the Boomerang drop down menu disappears. It then reappears on the next message opened via a shorcut. So if you keep scrolling through messages with shortcuts, you will only have the Boomerang drop down on every other message.
June 28, 2011
Cool, thanks for letting us know! We’ll look into it.
June 28, 2011
Thanks! Glad you like it!
June 29, 2011
Let me just say that Boomerang has revolutionised my worklfow – love it. Since the new update the ‘Send at specific time’ option is really buggy on Firefox 5. When I chose this option it is there however when I click on the calendar icon to automatically be able to choose a specific date, nothing – no popup, no option, nothing. I can enter the specific date manually but this actually creates more clicks and more work when dealing with a large number of emails. On the old version of Boomerang it simply popped up as a new window and could select the dtaes from the calendar there. Anyone else experiencing similar problems?
July 1, 2011
I love Boomerang. Is it possible somehow to note on the email header the currently set date it will boomerang back? Also, if a message has boomeranged back and is not set to come back again can the label be removed automatically. It is sometimes confusing to know if an email is rescheduled to come back again because it still has the boomerang label. Removing the label will remove that uncertainty.
July 6, 2011
Hi Mark,
You can uncheck the “labeled as Boomerang” check box from the preferences section in Manage Boomerang page to remove the label upon returning.
Thanks for your feedback.
October 18, 2012
Hi guys, love boomerang, but would really love to see an add-on/plugin for Thunderbird and/or Postbox. Hope it’s in the pipeline!