Posts Tagged "productivity"

Brad Patterson, Intercultural Communicator and Social Media Manager at, discusses speaking five languages, trying to spend less time online, and how he uses Boomerang to work internationally.  “I think I could’ve been a geek when I was in like, fifth grade. A couple of friends and I learned the command lines for MS-DOS, but then I started playing football and lost the geekiness. I didn’t really get back into...

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Introductions are a valuable way to expand our connections, but are dangerous to our reputation when they’re badly executed. In this email etiquette post, Baydin explains how to use double opt-in introductions. Our connections are one of the most valuable tools we have for progressing our careers, getting a table at an exclusive restaurant, and establishing a social life independent of Netflix. Providing introductions for your...

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Back in the day, my inbox consistently contained over a thousand messages. Not because I’m popular or important, but because my method of checking email didn’t extend past the basic definition of “checking”: to look over; examine. I’d open my inbox, scan to make sure there weren’t any crucial messages, and continue looking at Instagrammed entrées. Then I watched Merlin Mann’s classic “Inbox Zero” Google Tech Talk where he states,...

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Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang! Before working at Baydin, I was a secondary English Language Arts and English as a Second Language teacher in Houston for two years (translation: I taught older kids how to write better and speak English better too). From that experience, I learned that teachers...

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Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang! You have two appointments to schedule: a meeting with John, a VIP at your company, and coffee with Rachel. You email John first, proposing Friday at noon plus two additional times. You eat lunch, do a little work, have a cup of coffee, and email Rachel, “Hey,...

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