Posts Tagged "baydin"

Hi there! You probably landed on this blog post from a search query. Well, it’s a little outdated. We now have all new Scheduling Features included inside of Boomerang! You have two appointments to schedule: a meeting with John, a VIP at your company, and coffee with Rachel. You email John first, proposing Friday at noon plus two additional times. You eat lunch, do a little work, have a cup of coffee, and email Rachel, “Hey,...

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Someone Else’s Shoes

Posted By on Jun 2, 2009

I was at a talk, recently, where the speaker mentioned “a lot of data driven people fall into the trap of wanting more information to make a decision. The problem is that the world does not always give you complete information.” I thought about my own experience. I remember at times presenting a new product idea and getting the feedback, “we need more *fill in the blank* information.” Usually, they asked for...

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Effective Phone Interviews

Posted By on May 25, 2009

Alex and I spent some portion of our time phone interviewing potential interns for the summer. Unfortunately, the resume is often an inaccurate indicator of one’s programming ability. In a previous existence, we could throw money at that problem – we’d review a resume and then FLY a candidate in to interview. The candidate would go through nine interviews with various engineers, designers and marketers on-site. At...

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When You are THE MAN

Posted By on May 22, 2009

Our friends have asked us if we were nervous about going out on our own, especially with the economy as it is. Alex and I have wanted to do our own thing for a while. We call this yearning “not wanting to work for The Man.” We, to a large degree, control our own destiny. That means we need to simultaneously market our company, raise capital, develop the product and run an office. It’s only been two weeks and...

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As we start Baydin, we wrap up work at our old jobs. I’ve spent the last three weeks trying to “transfer” everything I’ve learned in the greater part of a decade to my colleagues. It’s tough.  Knowledge that’s instilled or discovered over time is conveyed quickly without context. I copied my entire hard disk and passed the external drive around so that everyone could store the information. I gave a...

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