Remote Work

Introducing Inbox Pause 2.0

Introducing Inbox Pause 2.0

Posted By on Jan 16, 2024

Today, we’re excited to release an Inbox Pause update that will make it even easier for you and your team to fight back against email overload and create that space in your day: automated, weekly Inbox Pause schedules. Whether you want to block out focus time for deep work, protect your downtime to devote full attention to family, friends, and hobbies, or simply make the rhythm of your email more predictable, Boomerang gives you total control.

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As the jobs of the world continue embracing remote work, people are finding themselves drowning in days filled with Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting. It’s understandable, given the shift from office culture to one where teams are more distributed. It feels natural, in a way, to insist upon meetings. Meetings give coworkers time to discuss action items, they allow for synchronization in planning, and managers love having instant...

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As we continue our series of posts about remote work, one topic that is best discussed early and often is scheduling. For some companies, time zones aren’t a big concern. A few employees working from home but still local to the office doesn’t create an issue. If your company has people in different parts of the country (or the world!) this post is for you. Remote Work Scheduling It’s important to set expectations for your...

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