I have some exciting news to share: Boomerang has acquired GQueues, and the GQueues team will be joining Boomerang to […]
Email Etiquette: How to Write Efficient Email
Our inboxes are to-do lists dictated by other people: Ping! “Schedule me!” Ping! “Respond to my question!” Ping! Ping! PING! […]
Tech Choice: Chris Hicken, COO at UserTesting.com, Shares Customer Support Tips
Chris Hicken, COO at UserTesting.com and Co-Founder and CEO at LottoJar, shares tricks of the customer support trade and how […]
Tech Choice: Rick Lewis Talks The Evolution of Email
Rick Lewis, Principal Software Engineer at ASTL Systems, talks NASA-sponsored computer labs, the dot com boom, and how Boomerang has […]
Email Etiquette: Asking for Introductions
Introductions are a valuable way to expand our connections, but are dangerous to our reputation when they’re badly executed. In […]
New in Boomerang for Android: Customize Your Interface with Themes
Artistic quotes about color seem way too meta for a Wednesday morning, while references to psychedelics and “Color Runs” seem […]
Tech Choice: Brad Patterson Discusses Productivity
Brad Patterson, Intercultural Communicator and Social Media Manager at WriteThat.name, discusses speaking five languages, trying to spend less time online, […]
Email Etiquette: Double Opt-In Introductions
Introductions are a valuable way to expand our connections, but are dangerous to our reputation when they’re badly executed. In […]
Tech Choice: Josh Arbit Talks Productivity
Josh Arbit, Wash U Entrepreneurship Senior and Co-Owner of Fresh Prints, talks Pokémon, being socially “behind the times,” and how […]
Happy Birthday Boomerang!
This week marks Boomerang’s third birthday. To celebrate, the Baydin team had a Monday full of red meat, assorted dairy […]