We are excited to announce that Boomerang for Outlook has graduated from Beta! For existing users, the add-in should update automatically, and you’ll notice some new features (see details below). For new users on Office 365 or Outlook.com, you can install Boomerang for Outlook here.

Get Boomerang for Outlook

Now that our beta period has ended, Boomerang is incorporating new pricing plans. To continue using the full feature-set of Boomerang, on an unlimited number of messages, please subscribe to a paid Personal or Pro plan here.

Existing users who do not subscribe to a plan will have their accounts converted to our free Boomerang Basic plan on May 10th, 2018. New users will be automatically granted a 14 day Pro plan trial, after which they will be switched to the free Basic plan (unless they subscribe to a paid plan before trial expiration.) Boomerang Basic will allow you to continue using many of the features of Boomerang, at no cost, for a limited number of messages each month.

We provide a full list of features included in each plan here. If you have any other questions regarding the new pricing plans, please see below.

New features

In addition to many under-the-hood improvements, you’ll find several new features available for paid subscribers as part of this release. Customers on our Pro and Personal plans now have the ability to include notes to themselves with Boomeranged messages! Customers on our Pro plan also now have access to recurring messages and a version of Respondable that includes advanced machine learning parameters.

Respondable – now with Machine Learning!

Respondable uses artificial intelligence to help you write better, more actionable emails in real time. Based on data from millions of messages, Respondable makes every email you send more effective. New in Boomerang for Outlook are advanced features that incorporate neural network-based calculations to make Respondable even more accurate, with scores for positivity, politeness, and subjectivity.

Recurring Messages

Do you ever send the same email over… and over… and over again? The recurring messages feature puts sending out repetitive emails on autopilot! Send a timekeeping email every Friday, a reminder to update Salesforce at the end of every quarter, and remind yourself to check in with a prospective client the first day of every month.

Add notes to Boomeranged messages

If you’ve ever used Boomerang to return a message months or years into the future, when it returned, you may have stared blankly at it, wondering what on earth you wanted with it. Wonder no more! With notes, you can leave a message for your future self any time you schedule a message to return to your Inbox.

Pricing Q&A

What’s going to happen if I don’t subscribe?
Starting May 10, 2018, you will only be able to use a subset of the features in Boomerang, with scheduled messages limited to 10 per month. All the messages you have scheduled before that time will be delivered as scheduled and will not affect your message limit. You will no longer have access to Boomerang’s calendar related features, scheduled delivery in Inbox Pause, or today’s new features, like Respondable with machine learning, Notes-to-Self, and Recurring Messages.

Moving forward, all new Boomerang for Outlook users will start off on a 14 day trial of the Pro plan. After this initial trial period, users will be downgraded to the free Basic plan with a subset of Boomerang features and a limit of 10 scheduled messages per month (unless they choose to upgrade to a paid plan.)

For full details on which features are part of which plans, please visit our pricing plans here.

What plan should I buy for my Outlook account?
Boomerang Basic is free for all Outlook.com or Office 365 accounts. Boomerang’s Personal plan is only available for Outlook.com (including Hotmail and Windows Live) accounts, and Boomerang’s Pro and Basic plans are available for all Outlook.com and Office 365 accounts. See more details on our pricing plans here.

I am using Boomerang for work. Will you give me an invoice so I can expense it?
Yes, invoices can be accessed at any time through your account management page. We recommend you subscribe to a yearly plan so that it will be less work for you.

My co-workers are using Boomerang too. Can we buy a team Boomerang subscription or a subscription for our entire Office 365 domain?
With a team subscription, you can get easy centralized billing, user management and invoice management. To sign up, click here.

For more information about enterprise plans and custom solutions, contact our sales team at sales+outlook@baydin.com

But I want it for free!
We understand, but it is not free for us to run the service. Without subscriptions, we cannot keep the servers running or feed the team that builds Boomerang for you. Thanks in advance for helping us cover our costs, so we can keep building great experiences to help you be more productive.

Whether or not you choose to subscribe to Boomerang today, we appreciate your support. We would love to hear from you about what improvements or new features you’d like to see in the product—after all, the reason we’re charging for this product is so that we can continue working on it and making it better for you.

One Reply to “Boomerang for Outlook Graduates from Beta – New Features and Pricing Update”

  1. Quite a handy new features & congrats for the new release. Glad that you are implementing machine learning now. Eager to see how it works.

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