Boomerang for Gmail user Scott is the lucky grand prize winner of a brand new Kindle Fire HD! Scott used the Boomerang Referral Program to invite colleagues, friends, and family to Boomerang.

We asked Scott to tell us a little about how he uses Boomerang and to answer a few innocent questions just for fun.

How do you use Boomerang? I could write a series of posts on how I use Boomerang for Gmail! I love it and can’t imagine email without it! Here’s a couple:

My email inbox functions as my to-do list and Boomerang helps me only keep actionable items in view. Emails come in from contacts, businesses (bills, etc), and from Captio (an app for iOS that makes it easy to send yourself emails). A couple times a day, I process my inbox and everything gets one of three actions:

  • 1) if it is high priority it gets a star which puts it in my Priority Inbox
  • 2) if it is doable in 2 minutes or less, it gets done
  • 3) if it is not high priority buts needs to be given attention, I schedule it with Boomerang to come back to my inbox sometime later.

This simple process has been a huge productivity boost because it ensures when I look at my Priority Inbox, I know I am seeing what I need to be doing now – and there is minimal distractions from the rest of my inbox. With this method – and thanks to Boomerang – I’m nearly always at Inbox Zero.

Another way I use Boomerang is to schedule birthday greetings. Every week I receive an email from Facebook with all the birthdays of my friends that coming week. Using that digest, in one sitting I can write personal email birthday greetings for the rest of the week by scheduling them to be sent on the appropriate day with Boomerang. A bonus tip is using TextExpander to have your birthday greeting in a keycommand shortcut!

Favorite Color? – Blue, no yellow.

Peanut Butter or Nutella? – Peanut butter (every morning I have a breakfast stack of one slice of toast w/ peanut butter + scrambled eggs w/ ketchup all on top of each other – wife is disgusted but it is delicious) PS~ Boomerang just got the heebee-jeebies too!

How many licks in a Tootsie Pop? – I prefer baked goods.

Favorite President and why? – George W... just like saying that to get a rise out of people.

What’s your Favorite Book? – I’m a big reader so A favorite would be hard to say… a couple I’m in right now and enjoying are “Wheat Belly” by William Davis (almost talking me out of the toast in my breakfast stack), “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham (Warren B’s favorite book on investing = must read), “Churchill Style” by Barry Singer (I’m fascinated by Winston Churchill and this is a fun look at his lifestyle), and “The Conviction to Lead” by Albert Mohler (less about how to be a leader and more about the importance of leaders knowing what they believe… challenging). Looks like a new Kindle will be put to good use!

Inspirational Quote – Here’s one from Conviction to Lead: “Leaders need to possess and develop many qualities, but the one element that drives them to the front is passion.”

Thanks for sharing, Scott!! You can be a winner too, get started by referring your friends to Boomerang.

Happy Email!
Team Baydin

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