In the US, Labor Day Weekend is a long weekend celebrating workers, as well as the unofficial end of summer. As people who work pretty hard, we wanted to see if we could create something to make Labor Day even better. What if we could make it so that your weekend would be completely uninterrupted by email? No notifications coming in, nothing in your Inbox to hang over your head… Just email-free zen, until it’s time to start worrying about work again.

So we sat down, prototyped a bunch of completely crazy ideas, and came up with a way to pause your email.

Here’s how it works:

  1. INBOX PAUSE adds a pause button to your Gmail.
  2. When you click that button, new messages will stop arriving in your Inbox.
    • They will be held in a special label until you are ready for them.
    • If you choose, INBOX PAUSE can notify the people who email you to let them know that their message will not be delivered to your Inbox.
    • While your Inbox is paused, you’ll see a banner at the top of your Gmail window reminding you that your Inbox is Paused
  3. When you click the button again to unpause your Inbox, all of the messages that you received during the break will be moved to your Inbox, and new messages will arrive as before.

Add one slightly over-the-top website, and you have INBOX PAUSE! Check it out here:

We hope this helps you relax over the long weekend and adds some peace to your life going forward! Please let us know how it works for you. Happy Labor Day!
-The Baydin Team

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