My name is Jeremy and I’m the newest member of Team Baydin. I just wanted to take a couple of moments to introduce myself to the community.  I’m very excited to be a part of such a company that is doing so many cool and amazing things! Just a couple of years ago, I never imagined that I’d be working for a company like this or for that matter even be in California… I grew up in small town middle America, right smack in the heart of Western Kansas. I’m the oldest of three and a proud uncle of a niece and two nephews (the most recent addition joined us yesterday, Jan 24th).

After spending the first 20 some odd years in Kansas, I decided to move to the East Coast, where I live in Washington, DC for over 8 years. In DC, I attended the Catholic University of America and studied philosophy. While I was in school, I also worked a variety of restaurants in the city. Serving, tending bar, and managing (at one restaurant, I did all three); I did just about everything! I fell in love with the city, culture, food, and wine. So, what brings me out West you ask? Well, back in 2008 with the raucous Presidential Election going on, there was this new start up called making splashes in the Tech World. I became an early adopter of the service and eventually an remote employee, which led to multiple trips to the Bay Area and the dream of one day moving to SF.

This past summer that dream came true. After leaving DC and bouncing around North and South America for a few months with just a backpack full of clothes, I made the move to San Francisco permanent. At Airbnb, I found a new career in the tech space.Even though I still love the restaurant biz (hopefully, opening my own someday), I knew this is what I wanted to do. To build on my previous experience I’m taking a couple of programming classes, as well as the online course at So, far I’m really enjoying to program.

So, what about Baydin, you ask? Well, a few months ago a friend told me about the thing called Boomerang for Gmail, I was intrigued and decided to check it out. Then earlier this month, Baydin posted an ad out for a Customer Service Rep, which I jumped at. I applied and here I am! All of my jobs, whether running a concession stand, working as a store clerk, waiting tables, or working for a startup, have been customer focused. And here at Baydin, user support is my number one priority. I’m here to help make your lives easier. So, no matter the question, large or small, send it my way and I’ll be happy to help. After all, you have a life to get back to and you shouldn’t need to stay buried under that pile of email!

3 Replies to “Hi from Baydin HQ!”

  1. Myslie,że to bardzo fajna rzecz,ale nie mam pojęcia,jak to wszystko zainstalowac,żeby działalo.Moglby mnie pomoc i zdalnie zainstalowac to?Bardzo cie o to prosze.

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