We are excited to announce that Professor Yang Shao-Horn of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be the recipient of Boomerang’s 2024 carbon capture research funding!

For the sixth year in a row, we are proud to contribute a share of Boomerang’s profits towards funding for climate change mitigation research as part of our annual charitable giving. When this effort began, Boomerang’s founders identified a need for additional funding for research on carbon capture technologies. We continue to believe that contributing to carbon capture research projects that are too early for larger, more established funders is the best way for us to make an impact on climate change. And for another year, we are fortunate enough to be able to continue this philanthropic tradition.

Professor Shao-Horn’s proposal presents an intriguing opportunity to reduce pollutants like CO2 that are emitted into the atmosphere during steelmaking. Her research has identified catalysts that, when applied to steelmaking flue gas, demonstrate improved selectivity for CO2 and CO. These materials directly produce methanol from the flue gas, and the improved selectivity is necessary to make this method economically viable at scale. Currently, steelmaking is a major contributor to industrial greenhouse gas emissions. There is significant and growing demand for methanol, and this direct production route is both logistically convenient and economically beneficial. We are excited to support the continuation of this research into improving the selectivity of the catalysts because of the impact it could have on both green methanol production and reduced emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, we are also continuing our tradition of funding education for children in Burma. For the 11th year in a row, we’re providing funds to build a new school through our partnership with Build a School in Burma. You can read more about this philanthropic mission by checking out what we wrote after our first donation in 2013.

We would like to thank all the researchers who submitted applications for our 2024 grant. We also extend our gratitude to the Boomerang community, particularly our subscribers. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love, nor would we be able to give back in this way.